
Second Year Anniversary!

Second Year Anniversary!

ShellBeeHaken Ltd., celebrates its second-year anniversary on 18th August 2022. Over the past two years, the company has gained a lot of achievements, we had this wonderful anniversary day. In the meantime, we have successfully delivered a significant number of projects and our company is thriving every day. This has been a very hot and humid year, many of us were screaming out inside to have a touch of shade and green. The company heard our inner voice and finally, the day arrived! On September 17 of this year, we took a trip to Kaalmegha Country Club and Resort in the Gazipur region to celebrate this special day. No doubt that this resort was an excellent choice to get away from noisy hectic city life for a day. The event became more memorable as our Japanese Directors joined us. The whole team looked so happy and relieved from the daily lifecycle of git-push & merge.

The resort!

Around 70 kilometers from the capital, the Kaalmegha resort is situated in a serene rural location surrounded by lush green paddy fields. We took a ride through a zigzag road with greenery on both sides and arrived at the resort around lunchtime. It provided practically everything our entire team needed. The lunch and dinner meal was very delicious. The savoring scarce sweets made of date palm juice became many of our favorite delicacies.

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Sports and entertainment

The entire crew enjoyed every minute of the stay at the resort. We had arrangements for playing outdoor and indoor games. Two different outdoor games were played. The groups were split into Titan and Silver. Team Silver won the football match and Team Titan won Volleyball. All the contestants participated in the games to their fullest and played until dawn. A swimming pool was there and everyone plunged into it right after the sports. We had a cultural event at the swimming pool, each of us performed a dance or a song to showcase our talents. After everyone finished refreshing themselves from all the activities, we had a little surprise waiting for us in the resort. The resort committee brought a group of folk singers, they stole our attention and hold us steady with their performance. We celebrated our anniversary day by cutting a cake. That was not the end. The following morning, a horse was waiting with its adorable gesture. A few of us took a horse ride and some took photos with it.

Last Few Words

It was not just a simple story I bumbled around. On the tour, we got to see each other’s different versions. We got along with one another pretty well and discovered everyone's passions and skills. The tour helped us to create team bonding and increase our level of creativity. The next day we came back to work and worked with more enthusiasm and productivity.

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